ACTEC is committed to ensuring that the most underprivileged populations can have access to education, because it is essential for the development of people and societies.
«I've learned to fight to achieve my goals.»
“I dream of being able to continue my education to become a teacher. To do so, I still have to study an additional seven years. Then, I’ll be able to support my family financially and build our house. I began a business project last year to pay part of my school costs: my goal is to have 100 chickens to have enough resources to finish my studies.
I would like to thank the Becas para las Niñas project which is supporting me in my studies and for all of the lessons I’ve learned which have taught me that I have to fight to achieve my goals.”
Selena Esmeralda Ramírez Temaj - 12 years old
Beneficiary of the Becas para las Niñas sponsorship programme (Guatemala)
ACTEC supports four sponsorship programmes in DR Congo, Guatemala and Haiti.
Guaranteeing the right to a quality education